Practical German 3

Practical information

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Course hours


Prices   Summer
Commercial student
Student UGent
Scholarship student UGent
Incoming exchange student UGent
Outgoing exchange student UGent
Outgoing exchange scholarship student UGent
Staff member UGent
Hours per week


Books by


Objectives and content

  • Listening skills: By means of authentic audio and video materials, you will learn to understand spoken German better. At the end of the course, you can understand German in contexts directly related to your personal life (e.g. family, work).
  • Speaking skills: You will often get the opportunity to overcome your fear of using the German language and you will learn to talk about simple and everyday topics. This way, you will be able to actively practice the basic vocabulary.
  • Reading skills: Authentic material will help you develop strategies to understand German texts better.
  • Writing skills: The acquired structures will be put to practice by writing short and simple texts (e.g. a thank you note or a report of your weekend). Specific grammatical items: Harmonie der Nomengruppe (Adjektivdeklination), Modalverben, das Präteritum, Zeitangaben, Konjunktionen (Wiederholung und Erweiterung), Steigerungsformen, Konjunktiv II.

Required prior knowledge

The required level of prior knowledge for this course is A2. You already have prior knowledge of German (e.g. German classes in secondary school):

  • You can participate in a conversation on topics that you are familiar with or that are related to your everyday life (family, travel, work, hobbies, etc.) quite easily.
  • You have basic vocabulary knowledge which you would like to expand.
  • You can understand a conversation between German speakers quite easily, even when they are speaking fast.
  • You have prior knowledge of grammar: das Präsens, das Perfekt, das Kasussystem.


Special information: If you want to get an idea of your knowledge of German you can do the test at
There is a placement test and a final test.
During the first session, you take an orientation test. This way, the teacher can give more information about the feasability of the course (level, progression, etc.). You can be referred to a different course based on the outcome of the orientation test but you can only take that course if places are available.

Course materials

UCT course book. You will receive this book from your language teacher in class.

Recommended books:

  • Krijgsman, Arjan: Prisma Taalbeheersing Basisgrammatica Duits
  • Langenscheidt Grosswörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache, München: Langenscheidt-Verlag
  • Luger, Urs und Borbein, Volker: Grosses Übungsbuch DeutschWortschatz: Max Hueber Verlag
  • Lodder, H.G. (2004): Basisgrammatica Duits, Bussum: Coutinho

When you buy one of these books at Standaard Boekhandel Shopping Zuid, Woodrow Wilsonplein 4, 9000 Gent (in the campus shop next to the shop), you will receive a discount of 10% on the official price. Make sure to mention that you take a language course at the UCT.

Schedule and subscribe

12/08/2024 - 26/08/2024

Time 09:00 - 12:00
Days Mon->Fri
Location Tech 2.10
